Baptisms and New Additiions

Date: Apr 28, 2013 Author: Category: Uncategorized 0 Comments

Our boys listening to Pastor John about baptism.

Jimmy and Pastor John











Mission Haiti Helping Kids: our destination is Haiti and our mission is to help kids.  In 2013 our 3 Care Homes continue to reach out to the kids of Haiti; all in Jesus’ name.  We are clothing the needy, feeding the hungry, and laying hands of the sick.  We are sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God through our different homes and programs in Port Au Prince, Haiti.

We are so happy to have new and returning missionaries.  It was so wonderful to have Pastor Keith and Wanda Gaetz for Prince Rupert, BC, Canada, come to visit for the first time.  They were followed by Pastor John Neufeld, Gordon McCallum and Tena Buhler as return missionaries from Burns Lake, BC.  Christy Worsoe and Barbara Jay Durand-Hine returned from New Jersey and New York.  Phil and Lori Cenzer returned from Michigan.

Oh, how the Lord moves through His saints.  We were thrilled that 14 of our boys followed the Lord through the waters of baptism.  This was a roof top event at one of our homes.  Though circumstances arose that thwarted a baptismal service at the beach—the devil did not win.  Each boy carried 5, 5 gallon containers up to a roof top cistern and filled it up.

Pastor Keith and Wanda laid a lot of the spiritual groundwork for these events through teaching and prayer.  Pastor John and Gordo performed the baptisms while Lori played the guitar.  I am sure the Lord was well pleased.  Each child chose a person to pray for them and there was a great outpouring upon the children on this trip.



Nerdine, Clifford, and Matherson.

Nerdine, Clifford, and Matherson.

We are so happy to say that two kids were added to the flock of Mission Haiti Helping Kids. Nerdine is a shy 7 year old beautiful little girl. She is somewhat malnourished as evidenced by her hairline’s orange color. This will change with time as she is now at Julia’s House in Haiti. She will be provided with everything she needs to flourish.

Then there is our Mr. Personality, at only 5 years old,our new little Matherson. He is truly a strong personality. I think he may be the strongest personality of all of our kids. Perhaps he will be a future leader in Haiti.

Most of the children are doing well. Jarvins fell out of a tree and broke his arm in two places. He spent a few days in the hospital but is now home and healing.  We have had make some tough decisions with the kids, so we ask you to continue to pray for this ministry and all of the people that it is touching.

Our Saturday program continues to feed the neighborhood kids in body and spirit. Please pray for our mommas and poppas and pray for me as well.

It was so much fun to have Phil and the team return from Michigan. They came to work with us again. Dustin and Neil blessed some of the kids with soccer shirts from Ultimate Soccer.  We were also blessed to have their Pastor Wess come with his father, and nephew  Brandon. Trina and Haylie gave  shoes to the kids and Jodi worked on our truck. Logan and Robert visited with us for the week. The kids really enjoy everyone who visits.

MHHK’s Saturday Kids Club continues to thrive!

Date: Nov 7, 2012 Author: Category: Uncategorized 0 Comments

Our Saturday Kids Club continues to keep growing, helping more children each week. Every Saturday the neighborhood children wait patiently outside the gate for the fun to begin. (see photo below) This past Saturday, November 2, 2012, over 100 children attended the program!!  They enter through the front gate where they are greeted with a hug, then off to wash their hands. They received a delicious hot meal along with a vitamin and a drink. For many, it will be the only meal they eat that day!  Our girls at Kay Julia sing songs followed by a reading from the bible. Once their bellies are full and they are filled spiritually, they play various games like musical chairs. As supplies are donated to MHHK, we happily share them with our children in the neighborhood. Pictured below are many of the little girls with a new pillow case dress. Thank you to our dear friend Olga from British Columbia, Canada and all her lady friends from Burns Lake that hand made these dresses for all the beautiful girls in our neighborhood.


Pillow case dresses made by our 85 year old friend Olga and her friends.


The neighborhood children anxiously awaiting the Kids Club program!

A New Daycare Center at Kay Julia

Date: Oct 28, 2012 Author: Category: Uncategorized 0 Comments


We have just opened our new daycare center at Kay Julia. Our first little child is Katia. Katia is a three year old girl born with hydrocephalous, a disease where she has too much water on her brain causing brain damage and developmental delays.Even with her handicap, she is so smart, feisty and knows exactly what she wants!!  She has been coming to Kay Julia since May of 2011 to receive physical therapy from one of our missionaries, Christy Worsoe.  Katia’s mother was taught exercises to do with her everyday. They were also sent to a free clinic where she could get therapy every Wednesday. Unfortunately, Katia’s mother died this past summer, leaving Katia in the care of her elderly grandma. Her grandma had been doing her best to care for Katias needs however, recently it became too much for her and she was considering putting Katia in an orphanage. At this point, Diddi decided to open the daycare center to take care of Katia during the day so her grandma can go to work at the market to help support her family.  Katia stays with us all day and returns to her family after dinner. She is thriving with this new arrangement. Most of all she is able to stay with the people that truly love her.

Katia and her beautiful mother.

Katia and her grandma, aunt and cousins.

Getting Ready for School!

Date: Oct 2, 2012 Author: Category: Uncategorized 0 Comments

Diddi and Woodley

The school year is quickly approaching and the children are so excited to start school. It is amazing how much the children love to go to school. Unlike many children in America, who don’t want the summer to end and dread the beginning of school, the children of Haiti can not wait for school to start. They know that the only way they will change theirs lives for the better is through an education. Thank you to all our friends who have donated money to help pay for tuition, books, and uniforms. Thank you to Mt. Sinai High School, Middle school and our friend Sarah for their generous donation of backpacks and school supplies. Thank you Union Catholic High School for your donation of black shoes. Our children were so excited to pick out a new backpack and shoes for school.


Pierre and Jarvins

Woodley, Chalmange, Charlie and Edwins

Blessing another orphanage……..

Date: Sep 20, 2012 Author: Category: Uncategorized 0 Comments

Mission Haiti  Helping Kids; Here we are with an amazing team that came to help us this past August. We went to another orphanage to bring some love and cheer to some little friends of ours. We try to stop in with food, drinks and clothes when we can. So many children need your prayers for change in this land of Haiti. So many suffer the pain of hunger every day. Please pray for the LORD to bring change where change is needed. Thank you for those that are praying!!!

First Pancakes

Date: Mar 25, 2012 Author: Category: Uncategorized 0 Comments

Mission Haiti Helping Kids. I was so proud of my boys Beto and Djerry. They made pancakes for the first time and made one BIG one. I asked them if they were going to keep it and eat it??? or offer it to our guests that recently were lost their mom.

First they said they were going to eat it. Then they said NO we are going to give it to our guests at Diddi”s Do Drop Inn. I was so proud of them for that. It would have been Beto’s 1st pancake ever. I then made a present for them.

Their own Really BIG pancake…… Lord Please touch these lil boys. Let your healing balm of Gilead touch them in Jesus name. They sure were happy to have a pancake,,, I think it was their first one that they ever had too. xoxoxooxoxxxoxoxooxox

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